Another Reason to Give Thanks

On November 16, 2010, my mom and I were in a wreck that should have truly ended both of our lives. Below is a post I wrote on my old blog on November 25, 2010. It is raw and unedited. I felt led to share it (as is) once again.
I must say that around this time every year, I have come to be more appreciative of the second chance God gave me. The fact that my mom and I are here today is nothing short of a miracle.

Another Reason to Give Thanks – November 25, 2010

“O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.”
Psalm 107:1

A lot has happened to me in the past week. My mom and  I were on our way to my University last Tuesday morning. Little did I know that morning, something would happen that would set my world for a spin – literally.

We were driving on the road on our way to my school, sipping coffee and talking about how great God is and enjoying the colorful leaves that were starting to fall. The roads were a little wet and it was drizzling.. we were having a good mother-daughter time. But then our truck somehow got out of control and it spun; and as I screamed,  a sea of yellow and orange came rushing toward us as the side of our truck hit the mountainside. Everything turned black. When I awoke, the truck was upside-down and I was facing my seat. I remembered the impact and started screaming. I looked for my mom expecting that she be on the driver’s side…. dead. But she wasn’t there. Terrified by the fact that we had crashed, the blood running down my face and onto my scarf, and the fact that I couldn’t find my mom gave me more reason to scream louder… for help, for my mom, and for my Jesus.

I was in shock. I heard voices outside and saw someone’s shadow through my window. A voice asked me for my name and opened my door and talked to me, trying to keep me calm as he asked me questions. I’m 18. I wasn’t sure if I had blacked out. I didn’t know how we crashed. Yes, the woman outside the truck had to be my mom. No, there were no other passengers. It was just me and my mom trying to get to school. No, I was not wearing my seatbelt… she wasn’t either. Sir, is my mom ok? I’m dizzy… please don’t let me go to sleep… Jesus, please be with my mom.

As soon as they got me out of the truck and into the ambulance, everything picked up speed. Needles, IVs, questions, and more questions. “When was your last mestrual period? Is there any chance of infectious disease?” No. “Is there any chance you’re pregnant?” No, sir. Definitely not. “Definitely not? How do you know??” I’ve never had sex… His face, priceless…

When we got into the trauma unit, everything went even faster. A lot of the same questions, and a lot of the same answers. I just wanted to see my mom.. I know these people are just doing their job and trying their best to comfort me. I just wanted to see her and know she was ok.

I was discharged a few hours later. I didn’t see my mom that day. Nor did I see her the next one. I wouldn’t see her until Thursday, the 18th – two days after the fact. Her injuries were hard to bear. But this was my mom. She was alive, and for that I was thankful. It’s been a week and two days since our accident, and it has been a test of faith. When I was in the ambulance and they told me my mom was alive, I gave thanks to God.

The Bibles says that in all things we should give thanks. Yes, we were in a horrible crash. Yes, our truck is totaled. Yes, my mom is still in the hospital. But we’re alive, and for that I am so grateful! There is no greater gift than the gift of life. Ever since the accident, I can’t help but thank God for His everlasting mercy. I knew I wasn’t ready to die… I knew I wasn’t right with God at that time. But He gave me a second chance. And it’s been prophesied, my mom’s going to come out of this greater and stronger… sevenfold. She is going to be taken into a higher place in God.

Every breath is a second chance with God. It’s another reason to make things right. We shouldn’t just be thankful for the great things He has done for us. But we should be thankful for even the “little” things that don’t seem like a whole lot. Living is just another reason to give thanks.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1Thess. 5:18

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